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Aphantasia & Visualisation
Imagine a close friend. Can you see their face in your mind? If not, you may have aphantasia but that doesn’t stop your ability to practice visualisation.

Visualisation for productivity
Productivity isn’t about working 12-hour days. It’s about cultivating more joy, quality & consistency across your life.

How does play support learning?
Play helps you to achieve your goals without burning out.
There are eight play personalities to help you explore & discover how you like to play.

What is mental fitness?
Mental fitness is the consistent training of your mind to enhance how you think, feel, & perform. One of the most powerful mental training techniques is mental rehearsal, which can improve psychological adaptability, emotional resilience & physiological health.

Is visualisation a form of mindfulness?
Both visualisation & mindfulness are powerful techniques for training your mind. But they’re not the same thing. Learn the difference & how to integrate them both into your mental training routine.

What does it mean to discover your potential?
‘Potential’ is a word that can come with a lot of weight & expectations. Here’s a simple process to get you started on your journey of self-improvement.

What is visualisation in sport?
Visualisation has been used by top athletes for decades to perform at their best. It’s good enough to be their winning strategy - now it’s time to make it yours.

How does visualisation work in the brain?
Visualisation is a technique rooted in neuroscience. It has been practiced for decades and now we’re starting to understanding how visualisation works in the brain.

How to recharge over the festive season.
Most people slow down too fast. Here’s how to slow down without throwing your body off-kilter.

Habits that destroy your confidence.
Confidence dictates performance, enjoyment and fulfilment. Here’s nine common habits that drain your confidence if left unchecked.

How does visualisation work in the mind?
Visualisation plays on three core functions of the mind. Neuroplasticity, neural equivalence and the Reticular Activating System work in tandem to generate incredible results.

How to focus and stop task switching.
Task switching is ruining your focus. Learn to overcome distractions, be more productive and have more energy.

How to become an overnight success.
Overnight success rarely happens overnight. It can take years before a tipping point is reached, if it is ever reached. But do you need a tipping point to be successful?

My diet for mental health.
This diet has significantly improved my mental health. It’s not just about the food I eat.

What’s the difference between mental health & mental fitness?
Think of it like physical health & fitness. We all have a state of health but not everyone trains their fitness.

How to stop unwanted habits & build new routines.
It’s not easy but it can be transformative.
When you try to stop a habit it leaves a gap in your behaviour. The way to make it stick is to replace old habits with new routines.

What’s the difference between routines & habits?
Routines are conscious behaviours whilst habits are instinctive.
Remember that and you’ll be fine. Keep reading as we delve into the details.

How to manage emotions.
Emotions are part of being human and all are valid.
A lot of people are not taught how to manage their emotions. This leads to suffering for them and the person around them.

The 7Cs of resilience.
Resilience is your ability to achieve a positive result despite risks.
Use the 7Cs of resilience to upgrade how you respond to adversity.

Dating myself.
I am a serial dater with myself.
Whether you are single, taken, in a situationship or married - you can date yourself.