How does play support learning?

Play helps you to achieve your goals without burning out.

There are eight play personalities to help you explore & discover how you like to play.

Whether learning in education or learning a new skill, play is an integral element of your toolkit. It helps you to achieve your goals without burning out. Play helps you to rediscover your childlike curiosity, laughter and have more fun.

What are the benefits of play?

1. Supports cognitive development. Play is a dynamic process that engages various cognitive functions crucial for learning. Whether it's a child building a tower with blocks or an adult solving a puzzle, play activates the brain's problem-solving abilities. Through imaginative play, individuals develop creativity, critical thinking & the capacity to adapt to new situations. Cognitive flexibility, a key component of intelligence, is honed as individuals navigate different challenges during play.

2. Heightens emotional intelligence. Play provides a space for individuals to explore & understand their emotions. It serves as an outlet for emotional expression, enabling individuals to process and regulate their feelings. Imaginative play allows you to experiment with different roles and scenarios, fostering empathy and emotional intelligence. The joy and laughter associated with play trigger the release of endorphins, contributing to a positive emotional state that is conducive to learning.

3. Enhances social skills. From childhood playgroups to team-building activities in adulthood, play is a social catalyst that facilitates the development of crucial interpersonal skills. Co-operative play teaches individuals to collaborate, negotiate and communicate effectively with others. In team sports or group games, individuals learn the importance of teamwork, leadership, and shared goals.

4. Develops motor skills. Physical play, such as dancing, climbing or team sports, contributes significantly to the development of fine & gross motor skills. These activities enhance co-ordination, balance and spatial awareness. They can also serve as a fun and effective way to maintain and improve motor skills, promoting overall physical health.

5. Promotes lifelong learning. The benefits of play extend beyond your adolescent years, impacting lifelong learning. Playful activities in adulthood, whether through hobbies, games, or exploration, stimulate the brain and promote a curious mindset. Play fosters a love for learning that transcends formal education, encouraging individuals to seek out new experiences, engage in continuous self-improvement and approach challenges with a positive & open-minded attitude.

the Play personalities

We all play differently so explore the eight play personalities to find which ones work for you:

  • The Collector: You enjoy building collections, such as concert tickets.

  • The Competitor: You enjoy playing (and winning) games with specific rules, like playing organised sports.

  • The Creator: You find joy in making things. You might enjoy drawing, woodworking, programming etc.

  • The Director: You enjoy planning and directing, like hosting themed parties.

  • The Explorer: You play by discovering something new, either physically (travelling to a new place) or mentally (learning a new skill).

  • The Joker: You enjoy being silly and a free spirit. Maybe this is through improv or making your friends laugh.

  • The Kinesthete: You enjoy moving your body as play. Whether through dance or anything else.

  • The Storyteller: You play by listening to or creating stories. You might enjoy writing or catching up with friends.

Try out each of these personalities in different scenarios and find the ones that work best for you. Ask your friends & family how they like to play and look for ways that you can combine styles.

Play is a cornerstone for mental fitness and skill development throughout the lifespan. By incorporating play into vocational and recreational activities, individuals can harness its transformative power to enhance cognitive abilities, regulate emotions, refine social skills and promote lifelong learning. Finding your play personalities & exercising them regularly provides a holistic approach to developing resilience, adaptability & increased joy.


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