Take the FREE Mental Fitness Check-In.
How mentally fit are you?
Complete the check-in and learn how to create more clarity, improve your health, build resilience, level-up performance and live better in your everyday life.
It takes just 3 minutes.
It’s completely free.
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Who we’ve worked with.
Why Remap?
In 2015, I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, an incurable condition. I was in hospital, unable to walk on over 50 tablets of pain medication per day. This is where my journey into training my mind began.
I started to imagine what my life would be like if I wasn’t in hospital. First, I learnt how to walk again. Then, I went to university, something that I was told was impossible after my diagnosis. I have continued to train my mind to level-up how I think, feel and perform across all aspects of my life.
Over the past 9 years, I have learnt the importance of mental fitness and just how powerful our minds are.
The Mental Fitness Check-In is your first step towards developing your own mental training routine.
You have the power to train your mind and transform your life.
- Maya Raichoora, Co-Founder of Remap
What our community is saying.
Why check-in?
It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of everyday life and lost in the abundance of self-development tools that exist. I experienced this first-hand whilst overcoming anxiety during my school years. I was searching for solutions without first reflecting on what was going wrong and which direction I wanted to go in. I didn’t know who I wanted to be.
In my journey, I have to learnt that to know which direction to travel in, you first need to know where you are now and where you want to be.
This Mental Fitness Check-In helps you discover where you are and gives you personalised tips to start moving in the right direction.
The worst that can happen is you waste 3 minutes of your day. The more likely outcome is that you’ll take something away that will provoke your curiosity, impart new insights and provide actionable tips to improve your life.
- Ben Wainwright, Co-Founder of Remap