How to recharge over the festive season.

Most people slow down too fast.

Here’s how to slow down without throwing your body off-kilter.

Imagine driving a car at 100mph and suddenly breaking. The impact is intense. It’s uncomfortable at best and potentially dangerous.

When we slow down too fast from work & usual routines, the body has to catch up. That’s why people fall ill once they take a well-deserved break after long periods of work. Instead of resting & recharging, we end up spending our break recovering from slowing down too quickly.

I used to do it every year. Here’s how I’ve changed my build up to the festive break.

  1. I slow down gradually. It’s obvious but very few people do it. I set boundaries and plan arrange deadlines to find space in my personal & work life.

  2. I accept that their will be external pressure for personal commitments and work deadlines. I take actions to meet expectations and clearly communicate my boundaries.

  3. I do something for me every day. Even if it’s just for 10 minutes.

  4. After my break, I gradually build up into my routine again. Going from 0 to 100 is just as intense for the mind and body as breaking suddenly.

It’s a work in progress, but I learn and become wiser each year.


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