What does it mean to discover your potential?

‘Potential’ is a word that can come with a lot of weight & expectations.

Here’s a simple process to get you started on your journey of self-improvement.

It’s a question that many of us ask ourselves at some point during our lives. But what does it truly mean to discover your potential? It’s a journey that lasts a lifetime, but here’s a simple framework to get you started.

1. Recognise your strengths and weaknesses.

  • Take time for introspection and self-awareness.

  • Write a list of your strengths, weaknesses and things you’d like to improve at.

  • Double down on your strengths to achieve your goals.

  • Prioritise some weaknesses as opportunities for growth & development.

2. Nurture and hone your strengths.

  • Commit to continuous learning and compassionate discipline.

  • Step out of your comfort zone and into your growth zone to embrace new challenges.

  • Believe in your ability to overcome obstacles.

3. Embrace the journey and play the long game.

  • Understand that discovering your potential is an ongoing process.

  • Stay curious to new experiences and opportunities.

  • Embrace change and personal growth.

4. Align actions with your core values.

  • Make a list of your core values and why they are important to you.

  • Pursue goals that are meaningful and fulfilling to you.

  • Resist societal expectations and external pressures.

  • Live authentically and in alignment with your values.

How do build this into my routine?

Getting started is the easy piece of the puzzle. The challenge is remaining compassionately disciplined throughout the journey. Getting 1% better everyday adds up to a 37x improvement in just one year. Here’s how to maintain your self-improvement journey:

  1. Schedule quarterly sessions for self-reflection to reassess your strengths and weaknesses.

  2. Set aside time for learning and personal development each week.

  3. Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and try new experiences each month.

  4. Keep a journal to track your progress and insights.

  5. Align your goals and actions with your core values. Don’t be afraid to change them as needed to stay true to yourself.


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