How to visualise a task.

A person with headphones, laid back on a sofa

Your mind struggles to tell the difference between visualising a task and performing it for real.

Train your mind to be quicker, sharper and more focused.

1. Pick the task.

Whether it’s catching up on your emails, finishing a project or getting creative - make it specific. Know what the task involves and what it means for it to be a success.

2. Close your eyes.

If you’re feeling stressed or your mind is racing take a few deep breaths. Inhale through your nose for 4 seconds and exhale through your mouth for 7 seconds.

3. Create a vivid mental image of yourself completing the task.

Build up the image in your mind. Where are you? Is it bright or dark? What are you wearing? Who are you with? Is it warm or cold?

Gradually add each of these elements to create your vivid environment.

4. Add the details. Feel the feelings.

Make it feel as real as you can by being specific. Imagine the movements, actions and small tasks you need to complete to work towards your goal.

Don’t be removed from completing these actions - really feel it as if you were performing them for real. If it is a task you find boring or don’t enjoy, flip the script - see yourself performing with focus.

Celebrate completing the task. Know that you’re discipline has paid off.

5. Make it happen.

Take a few more deep breaths. This time do a double inhale and medium exhale. Fill your lungs with air and give yourself energy to take action.

Open your eyes and complete the task.


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