Talk Twenties Podcast

Recently, Maya, was on the amazing Talk Twenties podcast. The podcast that helps young people navigate their twenties with greater ease. Talk Twenties chat to some of the most inspiring people on the planet about the roller-coaster decade that is your twenties. Nobody has it all figured out, but each episode will help you get you one step closer.

Here’s a synopsis of what to expect.

You go to the gym and train your body, but do you train your mind? This week on the podcast we’re joined by Maya Raichoora, co-founder of Remap and visualisation expert. Maya is on a mission to make mental fitness as common as physical fitness. Aged 15, Maya was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis – an incurable irritable bowel disease. She endured crippling physical, emotional and mental pain. Visualisation saved her life and now she is teaching this powerful technique to others. Maya has worked with global brands such as Nike, Lego, Barclays to help working professionals become mentally fit through the power of visualisation.

If your headspace has been a little negative recently or you’re struggling to overcome some big challenges, then this podcast episode is for you.

In this episode Maya talks about:

  • Her chronic illness experience

  • Visualisation techniques

  • Mental Fitness

  • Self Awareness

  • The power of emotions

  • How to change your behaviour to become a better person

  • Adulting failures


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