Introducing Remap Mental Fitness
What is mental fitness?
You train your body, but what about your mind?
Mental fitness needs to be viewed in the same way as physical fitness. We are already seeing this with athletes using sports psychologists to not only maintain their mental health, but also gain a competitive edge. And with 17m workdays lost annually in the UK due to mental ill-health and 85% of people feeling unmotivated about the future - there is so much that needs to change.
At Remap, we teach the skill of visualisation or mental rehearsal; weight training for your mind. After visualising, like after going to the gym, you feel energised and motivated. Over a longer period, you are actively rewiring your neural pathways to improve the way you think, feel and perform.
Why ‘Remap’?
Your brain doesn’t know the difference between what is real and what is vividly imagined. When I imagine lifting my right arm - certain neurons and networks fire in my brain. When I visualise lifting my right arm - similar neurons and networks fire.
The more these networks fire, the more they wire together - strengthening your belief system or actions. When we intentionally train our mind, we are remapping the interconnections between neurons.
Think of your mind like a city. There routes (thoughts & behaviours) that are well travelled and well maintained. Other routes are quieter and less maintained. By visualising and travelling on specific routes (activating neural circuits), you level up that route. Do it consistently and that route becomes the default.
Our brain is malleable. And we have the power to mould it - to Remap it.
What’s next for Remap?
We are very excited for 2023! We have learnt a lot over the past year which has given us a platform to focus on delivering huge impact to each person we work with, whilst massively growing our community.
We are running regular online events, providing an introduction of how to train your mind. For those who want to go further and from a lasting routine, we are launching a 3-month online cohort and then an on-demand course.
We are forming partnerships to level up our evidence base for what we do and to reach new audiences. We know that, like training your body, consistency and routine is key. That’s why, in collaboration with our partners, we are determined to continuously improve the mental fitness learning journey of everyone we work with.
Remap is pioneering a mental fitness revolution.
Will you join us?